Saturday, October 20, 2007

How Students Can Log In and Blog

Up until now, the students have been typing their posts in Google Docs (online MS word) and we have been logging into the Blog under the teacher's account and copying and pasting their work.

Class, I think you are now ready for having your own account so that you can login on your own. So I have added a guest author account so that students can log on and make write their own posts anytime they want. Here is how:

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Login using our class username: studentusers
password: (hint our school and room #)

Step 3: Click on the new post link

Step 4: Write a title, then write your blog post

Step 5: Don't forget to sign your initial code (example John Smith would call himself JS0708 ) at the bottom so we know who wrote the piece

Step 6: Optional-give the posts some labels. If you use more than one use a comma between.

Step 7: Hit the Publish Post button below

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